I am accepting new clients

Currently offering services online

Most health benefit plans include the services of Registered Psychotherapists. Please check with your insurer.

Relationship Counseling

Relationship counseling is usually sought out by romantic couples, though sessions can be helpful for siblings or parents and grown children. At its root, relationship counseling looks at how the relationship between two adults is stuck, and how it can get unstuck.

Session Length: 50 minutes

Session Fee: $160 per session

Offered through:
Video Call

Individual Counseling

People come to therapy with a desire for change. It can take a session or two to really uncover what that change might look like. Each person has their own story of how they would like to feel, think, or act differently from today.

Session Length: 50 minutes

Session Fee: $145 per session

Offered through:
Video Call
Phone Call

Discernment Counseling

Discernment counseling is designed to help couples where one partner is considering ending their committed relationship. It helps couples avoid half-hearted couples counseling, resolve uncomfortable ambiguity, and see their relationship from a new perspective. The first discernment counseling session is two hours, subsequent sessions are 80 minutes. Discernment Counseling is usually complete within five sessions.

Session Length: 80 minutes

Session Fee: $240 per session

Click here to learn more about Discernment Counseling
Offered through:
Video Call

Intake Session

Intake sessions are a form of consultation for therapist and client; each wants to make sure this is a good and useful fit. Intake sessions give you the chance to ask questions and are a first step in providing informed consent.

Session Length: 20 minutes

Session Fee: Free of charge

Offered through:
Phone Call
Video Call

I am accepting new clients

I am currently offering counseling online. We can connect virtually by secure video chat, or by telephone.